Jun 4Liked by Rob Faux

Thanks, again, Rob, for causing us to reflect. There are so many worthy causes that could benefit from our attention/devotion -- they are infinite. But our own resources, especially time, are finite and change/diminish over time. Striking a reasonable balance by learning to "let go" and "say no" is a constant challenge.

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I prefer to think of resources changing versus diminishing. While some diminish, I am hopeful that for most people much of the time, others will increase or provide more service. I recognize this is not wholly accurate for everyone - and even myself - but it's a non-destructive coping mechanism. :)

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Jun 6Liked by Rob Faux

Love your beautiful iris. "Bloom where you are planted."

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Indeed. And, if you're an iris, you can walk a little bit very year away from where you were originally planted!

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Are you familiar with Hermann Hesse's short story "Iris"? Really beautiful, just like the flower...

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